A Word from Pastor Ed – September 27, 2023

Pastor Ed

Dear Members, Friends, and Guests:

Thanks to Melana Scruggs for kicking off the sermon series, “How to be the Best Grandparents Ever!” She set the right tone for the series and weaved in the biblical text to family responsibilities! Many of us may not be grandparents. We are, however, grandkids, and that perspective is very helpful! In fact, when families with children worship with Lely, they meet 100 + grandparents waiting to pamper and love them and their children!

Thanks also to Bette Decoteau leading the Town Hall last Sunday. She covered important aspects of being part of a Presbyterian Church and touched on some of the important aspects of a church on the grow! Sure, we are experiencing growing pains as we experiment with bulletins, ways to present the elements of the service, and communicate! We are all rowing in the same direction! Keep the faith as we take one step at a time!

Blessing of the Animals will be held Sunday, October 1, at 5:00 pm on the church campus. Such a joy to see the four legged members of the families turn out for a this special service!

Lely’s Music Team returns for worship on Sunday, October 15 and Choir Rehearsal begins Thursday, October 19 at 4:00 pm!!! Get your voices ready!!

Thanks for your prayers! Jane and I met with an occular oncologist specialist and he reassured us that any treatment will be very routine! That news alone brought calm. Thanks for your prayers!
See you Sunday!

Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!

I remain a Servant of Christ….


Pastor Ed

Elders for Lely Presbyterian Church

Click Here to Contact an Elder


Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025
Cyndi Hauck

Worship & Education

Cherie Millsom

Worship & Education

Bonnie Hartley

Mission & Outreach

Bette Decoteau


Jeff Witte

Finance & Stewardship

Jackee Krauss

Buildings & Tech

Epi DeLaPaz

Buildings & Tech

Eleanor Fiermonti


Alida Helminger

Clerk of Session


Board of Deacons Lely Presbyterian Church

Click Here to Contact a Deacon


Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class 2025
Dinah Bampoe Paula DeLuca Helen Johnson
Cindy Kelley Jaye DeLaPaz Brenda Orozco
Val Hofmann Jennifer Kissell Sharon Berke


The links above will send a note to the church office and your message will be forwarded to the Elder or Deacon listed!


In addition, Lely Pres is blessed to have Mary Lloyd as Treasurer and Kerry Stallard as Controller.

Pastor Ed – Update September 20

Pastor Ed

Dear Members, Friends, and Guests:

Lely welcomed four new members to include; Treva Larson, Jackie Snyder, Dayle DeAngelo, and Aimee Trochessett.

Please take time to introduce yourself to Lely’s newest member and be sure to always sit with a person you need to know better during fellowship following worship!

During Sunday’s Minute for Mission Scott Anderson delivered a powerful and inspiring message regarding foster care for children! I was moved by his words as well as by him sharing the he and his wife adopted four children!! That is putting faith into action!!!

Melana Scruggs will fill the pulpit on Sunday, September 24. She will kick off the sermon series, “How to be the Best Grandparents Ever!” While the sermon series may appear to focus on biological grandparents, know that each of us play a surrogate role for developing children in the life of the church and the community!

Following the 9:00 and 10:30 am worship services, Bette Decoteau will lead a Town Hall Meeting in Kemp Hall! She will discuss the role of church membership and a glimpse into the growth taking place at Lely!!

This past year Bette Decoteau made an incredible trip to Europe and visited old haunts and made amazing new friends! In gratitude of her return, Bette is throwing an Oktoberfest in Kemp Hall on Saturday, September 30 beginning at 5:00 pm! There will be bratts…German Desserst, refreshments, and pics of her trip shifting in the background! To Help With Planning Click Here to Let Her Know You Plan to Attend

World Communion Sunday will be observed on Sunday, October 1 at the 9:00 and 10:30 am services of worship!

Blessing of the Animals will be held later that day, and it’s always a joy to welcome the four legged members of the families to Lely’s campus for this special service!

Lely’s Music Team returns for worship on Sunday, October 15 and Choir Rehearsal begins Thursday, October 19 at 4:00 pm!!! Get your voices ready!!

As an additional note, the Session has called for a Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 12 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of electing church officers.

Click Here to send your suggested names to the Nominating Committee.

See you Sunday!

Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!

I remain a Servant of Christ….


Pastor Ed

Elders for Lely Presbyterian Church

Click Here to Contact an Elder


Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025
Cyndi Hauck

Worship & Education

Cherie Millsom

Worship & Education

Bonnie Hartley

Mission & Outreach

Bette Decoteau


Jeff Witte

Finance & Stewardship

Jackee Krauss

Buildings & Tech

Epi DeLaPaz

Buildings & Tech

Eleanor Fiermonti


Alida Helminger

Clerk of Session


Board of Deacons Lely Presbyterian Church

Click Here to Contact a Deacon


Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class 2025
Dinah Bampoe Paula DeLuca Helen Johnson
Cindy Kelley Jaye DeLaPaz Val Hoffman
Brenda Orozco Jennifer Kissell Sharon Berke


The links above will send a note to the church office and your message will be forwarded to the Elder or Deacon listed!


In addition, Lely Pres is blessed to have Mary Lloyd as Treasurer and Kerry Stallard as Controller.

Pastor Ed Update – September 14, 2023

Pastor Ed

Dear Members, Friends, and Guests:

So good to welcome Sharon Tolnai from the “Pace Center for Girls.” Her update on the difference being made in the lives of young women is inspirational!

Bonnie Hartley and I took a tour of the facility and left very impressed. There are numerous places in Collier County to give Time, Talent, and Treasure! Continue praying to God for you can serve our Risen Lord!

The sermon series, “What Made Jesus Mad” concludes this Sunday with a sermon entitled, “Graceless Religion.” Based on John 9.1-12, we take a look at the life of a man born blind. Healed by Jesus, you’d think that it should be a time of rejoicing. However, the religious leaders questioned and doubted him, and eventually tossed him out of the synagogue! Why is faith so fickle?

This Sunday, September 17, worship will take place “without a safety net.” For the last several years, Lely provided a bulletin and a Power Point Presentation for Sunday worship. This week, each attendee will receive an announcement page and the service will be projected on the television screens. Large print lyrics will be available in the narthex. Click Here to Send Feedback.

Also, Lely Pres will connect to four new members during the 10:30 am service! Lely will welcome Treva Larkson, Jackie Snyder, Dayle DeAngelo, and Aimee Trochessett. Their pictures and bios will be available and attached to the Life with Lely Constant Contact on Friday, September 15! Please connect with each person this Sunday!

The paper costs continue to rise along with every other commodity. This will be a good way to reduce costs and streamline preparations in the office.

Years ago, preparing for Sunday was much simpler. Now, with PowerPoint, inserting pictures and videos in the sermon, as well as posting clips of the service and streaming worship, the “moving parts” of preparation are challenging and the reward via digital outreach is connecting to more people!!

On Sunday, September 24, Melana Scruggs will fill the pulpit.

Following the 9:00 and 10:30 am worship services on the 24th, Bette Decoteau will host a Town Hall on some of the implications of a growing church!

Blessing of the Animals will be held Sunday, October 1, at 5:00 pm on the church campus. Such a joy to see the four legged members of the families turn out for a this special service!

Lely’s Music Team returns for worship on Sunday, October 15 and Choir Rehearsal begins Thursday, October 19 at 4:00 pm!!! Get your voices ready!!
See you Sunday!

Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!

I remain a Servant of Christ….


Pastor Ed

Article on Lely Presbyterian In Coastal Breeze

As Penned by Donna Fiala

See the article on Coastal Breeze by clicking here

So many of us are fortunate (lucky) to have supportive friends and family. I am extremely blessed to have both, and I treasure them! Without them, life would be different, and in my opinion, very empty. But sometimes that emptiness of family can’t be avoided, so we can go out and fill that emptiness with friends who are also loving and caring it fills that empty spot in our hearts and lives.

This past year I don’t know what I would have managed without my supportive family! And I never forget to thank God for his blessings! But if you have no family here in town or close by, you can try to fill that empty spot with friends who are loving and want to be a part of a “unit” of caring and fun and happiness. I already had my family, but along the way I found wonderful people I call friends, and I feel blessed whenever we spend time together!

Though my wonderful friends can never take the place of family, they sure can fill my life with laughter and fun and be there when I need advice or another opinion, or someone to go to lunch or dinner with. What would we do without friends???? Life would be very different.

At church this week, I had church friends spread their happiness amongst all of us! People looking after others, and with doing that, you become family. Vern & Sharon swoop right in with a protective feeling to those in the church, so do Bonnie and Bonnie and Pastor Ed – oh gosh, I’d better not name people because I don’t have enough room to name all the loving caring people that are amongst us, and then we gather after the service and have coffee and treats that give the congregation a feeling of togetherness and family.

Even the little children are a part of things.

Yes, I’m talking about Lely Presbyterian Church. It’s like a welcoming home to all of us! Our minister had just retired from the Military, and this church needed a minister, so he chose us. It was a very small congregation. He was there just about two weeks when I read about the church with a retired military officer taking over, and as most of you know, I’ll always support Veterans, so I decided to drop in. I had, over the years, gone to the church, but moved on.

When I got to the church that first morning a little over a year ago, I walked into a very empty church in about April of 2021. I’m guessing about 15 people were there. All older folks. No choir. No children or young adults. But those that were there were friendly, and the Minister’s message was powerful!

As a Veteran, he knew what he was talking about! I decided to go back the next week because I was intrigued with his message and the gentle, friendly people in the congregation. Well, that next week there must have been at least 25 people. The following week it was about 50 people. The following week even more people came, but now they had formed a little choir! Wow! That happened quickly!

Within a few weeks, younger people started to attend, then later, younger people with babies showed up. It was amazing watching the success each week! The choir grew larger, and the church had to offer two services with choir music on Sundays! It was like watching poetry in motion!

Then the Men’s bible study started, the Women’s bible study started, the once a month the ladies’ luncheons at a restaurant in the area and men’s luncheon at another restaurant. You really get to know each other as friends because you can’t talk as much on Sunday’s but at luncheons you can. With that we started reaching out to other parts of the community to see if help was needed in some areas. There’s a lot going on at that church and help that comes from the people in the church for others.

Well, here it comes! “Season” is about to begin, the holiday’s will be celebrated, many people have moved to our area over the last year. As our Winter residents return, their neighborhoods will have changed a little, with new people, others in charge, new buildings and housing, new businesses. Our world is changing as we know it.

So, to those who are moving back, or coming back from their summer vacations, it’s good to have you back. Hopefully you’ll see some new businesses that we’ve needed. I’m waiting for the Dairy Queen to come. Some new restaurants have begun, but then things have changed also because of the hurricanes we’ve had. The poor folks in Ft. Myer’s have really taken a hit, so some will have a lot of repairs and replacing to take care of. But we can handle it! We still live in a paradise, no matter what you say!

How to Be the Best Grandparents Ever

Lely Presbyterian Church will begin a sermon series entitled, “How to be the Best Grandparents Ever!” on September 24 by Pastor Ed.  “Let’s face it,” commented Brandt, “Naples is Grandparent central and for most, a great time of life!”

The series will themes will include:  “Biblical Grandparents,” “Faithful & Fruitful,” “Can’t Live Without Them,” “Grandparents as Spiritual Family Leaders,” and will conclude on October 22 with, “The Grandparents of Jesus.”

Lely Presbyterian Church is located at 110 St. Andrews Blvd., Naples and worships every Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30 am.  For more information, visit www.lpcnaples.org, send an email to info@lpcnaples.org or call the church office, 239-774-6151.

Sermon Shorts from August 20, 2023

Pastor Ed’s Weekly Letter August 23, 2023

Dear Members, Friends, and Guests:

Last Sunday’s sermon focused on hypocrisy. Truth be told, we are all hypocrites….saying one thing and doing another. Hypocrite could easily be a perennial diagnosis for the health of churches around the world. People struggle with forgiveness, redemption, letting go and moving forward. I have those same struggles with relationships, organizations, and all of life! Trying to embrace the tenets of the Christian faith and connect faith to living is a daily challenge. Hypocrisy made Jesus Mad.

Tradition made Jesus mad. The upcoming sermon will look at how traditions can get in the way of a closer walk with Jesus. Engaging in centuries old practices can be good and bad. Some traditions keep alive stories that need to be told. Other traditions are practiced for the sake of….well….tradition….the proverbial, “We’ve always done it that way!”

Jesus calls each of us to a new of living. That lifestyle rids the debris on the pathways to spiritual grow. Sunday’s sermon will look at traditions that get in the way of knowing Jesus. And guess what…..we are all guilty of keeping alive dead traditions!

Bob and Glenn arrive for October 15 services and choir begins rehearsal on October 19 at 4:00 pm. Until that time music in worship will be provided by a combination of purchased pre-recorded music and recorded music from Bob and Glenn. I fully acknowledge that a new song with a different presentation may make some squirm a little…..but hey….the bounds of tradition are being pushed! Only six more weeks until Bob and Glenn return!!! Be patient!

Following worship this Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30 am Jeff Witte will host a Town Hall in Kemp Hall. He will provide an update on the financials for Lely Pres and I will give a preview of coming attractions as well as field questions all might have!! This is a chance to “stump the Pastor!!!”

There are several upcoming studies and events you are encouraged to attend!

Thursday, September 7

Pastor Ed begins an 11-week study on the Book of John! Did you know there is a connection to Genesis? Are you familiar with the “I am” passages and there connection to Exodus? The study will be held in Kemp Hall and begin at 10:00 am! Study books are $20 and are available in the office!

The same study will be offered by Kathy Sell beginning on Monday, September 10 at 6:00 pm in Kemp Hall!

Click Here to Say “I’m in” for the Study!“I want to learn more about John!!!”

Thursday, September 7

Pizza Thursday followed by

Youth Group Kick Off @ 4 pm

Friday, September 8

Community Open House at 5:30 and a chance to meet the Staff

Sunday, September 10

Following the 10:30 am service, join Gail Minard to look at the various ways to Connect, Engage, and Integrate with Lely Pres! Click Here to Let Gail Minard Know You Plan to Attend

Tuesday, September 12

Men’s Bible Study Kicks Off Tuesday, September 12 @ 8:00 am in Kemp Hall

Sunday, September 24

Pastor Ed begins a Sermon Series entitled, “How To Be the Best Grandparents!” on Sunday, September 24 and concluding on October 22!

September 24 – Biblical Grandparents

October 1 – Faithful & Fruitful

October 8 – Can’t Live Without Them!

October 15 – Spiritual Family Leaders

October 22 – The Grandparents of Jesus

Sunday, October 1

Blessing of the Animals at 4:00 pm on the Church Campus

Thursday, October 19

Get voices ready!!!! Choir Rehearsal begins at 4:00 pm!

Wednesday, November 15

Stop by the church campus for “Coffee with Pastor Ed” from 9:00 – 10:00 am.

Finally, as Presbyterian Primer…..Lely Presbyterian Church is governed by Elders elected by the Congregation! My apologies for not putting this information out on a more regular basis! See the chart below!! This list will also include Deacons.

Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!

See you Sunday!

I remain a Servant of Christ….


Pastor Ed


Elders for Lely Presbyterian Church

Click Here to Contact an Elder


Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025
Cyndi Hauck

Worship & Education

Cherie Millsom

Worship & Education

Bonnie Hartley

Mission & Outreach

Bette Decoteau


Jeff Witte

Finance & Stewardship

Jackee Krauss

Buildings & Tech

Epi DeLaPaz

Buildings & Tech

Eleanor Fiermonti


Alida Helminger

Clerk of Session


Board of Deacons Lely Presbyterian Church

Click Here to Contact a Deacon


Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class 2025
Dinah Bampoe Paula DeLuc Helen Johnson
Cindy Kelley Jaye DeLaPaz
Brenda Orozco Jennifer Kissell Sharon Berke


The links above will send a note to the church office and your message will be forwarded to the Elder or Deacon listed!


In addition, Lely Pres is blessed to have Mary Lloyd as Treasurer and Kerry Stallard as Comptroller.


Lynn Rhebein Presents Watercolor of Lely Presbyterian Church

Lynn Rehbein took time to paint a fantastic watercolor of Lely Presbyterian Church. She captures the warmth of the congregation, the weekly saying, “Welcome Home,” and the picturesque front of the campus!

Thank you Lynn!!!

The team will look at ways to reproduce the watercolor.

Baptism of Nicolai Zwerin