Elders for Lely Presbyterian Church

Class of 2024

Cherie Millsom – Worship & Education

Jeff Witte – Finance & Stewardship

Eleanor Fiermonti – Fellowship

Class of 2025

Bonnie Hartley – Clerk of Sessions

Gail Minard

Dinah Bampoe

Class of 2026

Cyndi Hauck – Worship & Education

Nancy Copeland – Building & Tech

Vernon Bennett – Finance

Board of Deacons Lely Presbyterian Church

Class of 2024

Paula DeLuca

Nancy Hargie

Jennifer Kissell

Class of 2025

Helen Johnson

Val Hoffman

Sharon Berke

Class of 2026

Kathy Duffet

Maxine Kilburg

Kathy Sell

In addition, Lely Pres is blessed to have Mary Lloyd as Treasurer and Kerry Stallard as Controller