LPC Welcomes Visit from Pastor Hayes – A Preview of our Incoming Pastor
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminBring a Smile to a Child’s Face
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminWe are again supporting the children in New Horizons and of Mision Peniel by providing Christmas gifts. An Angel Tree will be in the Narthex beginning November 24th with ornaments identifying children’s wishes.
Please select an ornament, provide your contact information on the spreadsheet provided, and enjoy shopping to make the wish come true. Please limit your spending to no more than $30.00. Gifts must be returned by December 8th.
You may wrap the ones for the New Horizon children and attach the ornament identifying the recipient. For Mision Peniel, please put the unwrapped gift in the gift bag provided and attach the ornament to the bag.
Bequest from James Lovell Estate
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminWe want to tell you about some wonderful news. Our Church Home has received a Bequest of $30,000 from the Estate of James Lovell with the proceeds having been allocated to the Endowment Fund. Jim was a long-term friend of Lely Presbyterian Church who was a person of deep faith and is remembered as a quiet, caring person. We are so grateful for Jim’s commitment to Lely Presbyterian and for his very generous gift, which will allow us to continue to do God’s work, serve those in need and spread the word of our savior. Thank you, Jim.