Stallard and Lloyd Honored Sunday

From Left to Right:; Kerry Stallard, Deacon Kathy Sell, and Mary Lloyd

Deacon Kathy Sell filled the pulpit on Sunday, July 14th as Reverend Winston Lawson was away.  During the Minute for Mission, the Fellowship Committee presented Kerry Stallard and Mary Lloyd a token of appreciation for their time and efforts they have given to Lely.

The past month they have put in many hours in as the Controller and Treasurer of Lely Presbyterian.  We thank them for their time and dedication.

Pastor Ed’s Letter for February 14, 2024

Pastor Ed

Congregants, Friends & Members:

 Melana’s sermon hit the bullseye Sunday! Spiritual experiences don’t always happen on mountain tops or during retreats. The splendor and impact of God’s love changes hearts during least expected moments and in planned experiences.

 Serving as an Elder and Deacon is transformative for the individual who answers the call as well as for the congregation served! We lift up in prayer Vernon Bennett, who was installed as an Elder and Kathy Sell who was installed as a Deacon. Each answered a call of God to serve Lely Presbyterian Church in their respective capacity. The Elders and Deacons for Lely Presbyterian Church need your prayers as they govern the church and care for the congregants!

 A huge thanks to Cherie Millsom for spearheading the winter concert series! This past Saturday, Peter Simon tickled the ivory and presented an amazing combination of poetry and music to all attending!

 The next concert will be on Saturday, March 9 at 2:00 pm featuring Joe Hrin on Saxophone!!

 Be sure to make time for “Bread and Broth” that begins on Wednesday, February 21 at 11:00 am in Kemp Hall. This is a sacred time with a simple meal and spiritual reflection on the sacrifice of Christ!

 Rev. Dr. Tim Halverson will fill the pulpit on Sunday, February 21 and 28! Time brings a high degree of energy and dynamism to preaching and Lely is fortunate to welcome Tim to Lely!!

 While in New York, there has been a great opportunity visit other houses of worship. I have heard great preaching and also picked up some tidbits and ideas that would enhance worship at Lely. Looking forward to sharing them upon our return!

 Jane and I return to Naples on February 27 and I am looking forward to being home and back in the pulpit on Sunday, March 3! The sermon theme will be: “The Difficult Sayings of Jesus: You must be Slave of All!” based on Mark 10.35-45. This will also be Communion Sunday.

 And on this Ash Wednesday, we begin our journey to Jerusalem!! May it be a meaningful and Holy time!! Be sure to attend the 11:00 am Ash Wednesday Service today!!


Pastor Ed’s Letter for February 7, 2024

Pastor Ed

Congregants, Friends & Members:

The 50th Anniversary Weekend, by all accounts, was amazing!!

 Rev. Harold Brown, Pastor Emeritus; Rev. Dr. Ted Land, former Interim Pastor; Rev. Jim Kirk, former Pastor (via video); Rev. Dr. Melana Scruggs, General Presbytery; and over a hundred congregants and friends made a weekend to remember!

 And, thanks to Bonnie Kluttz and the entire planning team for attending to every single detail from name tags to programs to dinner selection to making sure all anticipated needs were met! Thank you!!!

 Jane and I know we missed a special evening and thought about you and kept you in our prayers that weekend!

 Thanks to Ted Land for leading worship, preaching, and presiding over the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper! Ted reminded us that Lely Presbyterian Church is helping people to find Jesus as they search for meaning in life.

 People are searching and looking for hope in all kinds of places. For fifty years, the congregation of Lely Presbyterian Church has helped families and individuals find peace, comfort, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, a deeper spiritual life, a clearer understanding of Jesus, and a host of other wonderful and positive aspects of life! We are the beneficiaries of people who made this campus possible and we too have a responsibility towards the next generation of people we will never know!

 The important thing is that we know Jesus and for our Lord, we do this!

 This coming Sunday, February 11, Rev. Dr. Melana Scruggs, General Presbyter for Peace River will fill the pulpit. She has been a tremendous resource to Lely in filling the pulpit with great preachers! Thank you, Melana!

 Looking forward, Lely Presbyterian Church will observe Ash Wednesday with a service at 11:00 am in the sanctuary on Wednesday, February 14. Every Wednesday through Lent, please gather in Kemp Hall for Bread and Broth at Noontime. This will be a time of reflection, a simple meal, and spiritual fellowship!

 Jane and I plan to return to Naples around February 25 or 26. Your prayers continue to be appreciated and we are grateful for your care and love!

Welcome to Lely Presbyterian Church!

Welcome to Worship!

Welcome Home!


I remain a Servant of Christ…..




Ed Brandt, Pastor

Pastor Ed’s Letter for January 31, 2024

Pastor Ed

Congregants, Friends & Members:

 Fifty Years Old! WOW!

 Do you remember when each of us thought of 50 as old?

 We are so grateful for the vision of Moorings Presbyterian Church.

 That congregation saw the growth taking place in the East Naples area and took the leap of faith to plant a congregation on St. Andrews Boulevard.

 That foresight paid off! Lely Presbyterian became a church home for seasonal and year-round residents. Children gathered for Sunday School; adults assembled to sing; preachers stood in the pulpit and preached; congregants gathered on Sundays; and numerous memorable personalities populated the parish on St. Andrews Boulevard!

 Bonnie Kluttz and her team have worked tirelessly to ensure a stellar celebration commemorating 50 years of ministry! You will find a video below guesstimating sermons, attendees, finances, and ministries for Lely Presbyterian Church!

 I have one favor to ask: Please take lots of pictures on Saturday at the dinner and on Sunday during the 50th Worship Celebration! Text the pics to 302-932-9861.

 Be sure to thank Bonnie and her team! And also be sure to express your appreciation to Kris in the office for how she has played all utility in-fielder catching all requests that came her way!

 The strength of any organization are the people. The people make the church….not the building! The strength of Lely are the people and Lely Presbyterian Church is blessed beyond measure by the many different and talented folks who comprise the congregation!

 Have a fabulous dinner and an inspiring worship service commemorating 50 years of ministry! You are in our prayers and we are grateful for your concern and prayers!!

 Welcome to Lely Presbyterian Church!

Welcome to Worship!

Welcome Home!

I remain a Servant of Christ…..


Ed Brandt, Pastor

Breaking News! New Music Director at LPC

We are delighted to announce that Carl Granieri, whom many of you saw leading the concert at Lely on January 6, has agreed to step in as our Music Director for as long as it takes for us to find a permanent one.

He is a most accomplished musician, and a deeply committed Christian, who loves to serve churches when and where he can.

He loves to nurture musical talent in others and can’t wait to meet with our choir this week and work with them to sustain the wonderful progress they have made under Bob & Glenn.