A Word from Pastor Ed – December 6, 2023

Pastor Ed
Dear Congregants, Friends, and Guests:
Zechariah led off the sermon series entitled, “The Characters of Christmas!” As a priest, holy moments and rites were so familiar to him, he believe he owned those moments! As scripture tells us, the holy grasps us….not the other way around in our spiritual journey! The Angel Gabriel also visited Lely Presbyterian Church, complete with a Brooklyn accent and attitude! (I’ll never think of angels in the same way again!). Thanks Epi for bringing a bit of holy humor to the moment!
Praying for God to come into our lives and world is a bold prayer. Jesus came as a child and shook up the world; made the ground tremble under our feet and brings a new day when really people are praying for old ways to be restored!
The second Sunday of Advent will take a look at two teen-agers visited by an Angel with incredible news! They will become parents….and I’m not sure they understood to what they said yes! So many times we say “yes” to requests, not knowing nor comprehending what the end might be.
Saturday, December 9 at 11:00 am Lely Presbyterian Church will give thanks to God for the life of Bob Krauss. Bob joined the Church Triumphant on Saturday, December 2. You may attend in-person or via online By Clicking Here
A Blue Christmas Service will be held on Sunday, December 10 at 2:00 pm. The service is intended to provide comfort for people who are now without a loved one during the Christmas and Holiday season.
The Chancel Choir continues to prepare for the Choral Presentation, “A New & Glorious Morn,” arr. by Lloyd Larson and directed by Bob Morris and Glenn Kinckner. Please join in worship on Sunday, December 17 with one service only at 10:00 am.
Please note the Session Called a Special Congregational Meeting for the purpose of electing a Nominating Committee on Sunday, December 17 following the 10:00 am service.
Please note that morning worship on December 17, 24, and 31 is at 10:00 am only. Regular services of 9:00 and 10:30 am will resume January 7, 2024!
Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!
I remain a Servant of Christ….
Pastor Ed
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