A Word from Pastor Ed November 22, 2023

Pastor Ed
Dear Congregants, Friends, and Guests:
An incredible group of people gathered the afternoon of Sunday, November 26 to decorate the sanctuary for Advent in preparation for Christmas! Decorating had some challenges and was made easy by well labeled bags and teamwork!! Thank you!!!
The season is one of anticipation. I started reading the Heaven and Earth study guide and Will Willimon does an excellent job laying the groundwork considering what it means to welcome Jesus into the world.
Cherie Millsom, Kathy Sell, and I will each lead a group. Kathy Sell’s group will meet Monday evenings at 6:00 pm in Kemp Hall. I will offer the study on Thursdays at 10:00 am in Kemp Hall. Cherie Millsom is open to when people may meet!
The Book is entitled, “Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation” by Will Willimon. Click Here for a Link to Amazon to Purchase the Book.
The season is here and gone like the rustling of the wind. We need to soak in the moment.
The Advent sermon series is entitled: The Characters of Christmas! December 3, Zechariah; December 10, Mary & Jospeh; December 17, Choral Presentation of “A New & Glorious Morn,”; December 24 @ 10:00 am, Shepherds; and December 24 at 5, 8, & 11:00 pm Us.
Please note that morning worship on December 17, 24, and 31 is at 10:00 am only. Regular services of 9:00 and 10:30 am will resume January 7, 2024!
Please take note of the December Advent & Christmas Gatherings and Events you will find Friday in Life with Lely!
Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!
I remain a Servant of Christ….
Pastor Ed
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