Pastor Ed’s Letter November 1 2023

Pastor Ed
Dear Congregants, Friends, and Guests:
Sunday started a sermon series entitled, “Being Satisfied in a World of Consumption.” The series is anchored in passages from Ecclesiastes. Please take time to read the twelve brief chapters tucked between Proverbs and the Song of Solomon.
The sermon focused on life. While the writer of Ecclesiastes says all of life is meaningless, Jesus Christ gives each of us a reason to live, through good times and bad! I asked the question, “If a person dies, and no one notices, was that life lived in vain?” Our daily challenge is to live a life that makes a difference and makes the world better, not worse!
We do a lot of activities in the life of Lely. Questions to ask are, “Does the work engage the community for Christ? Does the work deepen our spiritual understanding of life? Does the work build of the body of Christ?
A huge thanks to Bonnie Hartley and the Fellowship Team who made candy available to Lely’s Trick-or-Treaters on October 31! Over 50 children dressed in costume stopped by the table!! A GREAT evening!
These are just a couple of questions to ponder!
Friendlies will meet at Sam Snead’s on Thursday, November 2 @ 12 Noon!! Let Bonnie Kluttz know you plan to attend via text/voice 239-777-8978 if planning to attend!
Blessing of the Animals will be held Saturday, November 4, at 10:00 am on the church campus. Such a joy to see the four legged members of the families turn out for a this special service! Click Here and Listen to a Personal Invite
November 5 is All Saints Sunday! During the 10:30 am worship service, Lely will remember members and friends who Joined the Church Triumphant during the previous year!
November 11 at 9:00 am, Lely Presbyterian Church will honor Veterans during a special service! Please plan to attend this 30 minute service! Click Here to Send names of Veterans to be Included
Giving Tuesday is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28! Click Here to Make a Donation for Giving Tuesday! Your extra gift will support the outreach to Youth in the Lely Community and support the All Day Mini-Vacation Bible School that will be held on Friday, December 22. The plan is for this day to lay the groundwork for a children and youth Christmas Pageant to be held on Sunday, December 24 at the 10:00 am service! You may also send a check to the church or place your gift in the offering plate with a notation for Giving Tuesday.
See you Sunday!
Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!
I remain a Servant of Christ….
Pastor Ed
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