A Word from Pastor Ed, November22, 2023

Pastor Ed
Dear Congregants, Friends, and Guests:
A huge thanks to Cindy Kelley, Nancy Copeland, Jaye DeLaPaz, and Glenn Kinckner for putting the Cornucopia on the Communion Table together! The bounty of fruit and vegetables reminds us of God’s blessings and that all good things come from God Almighty.
To quote the hymn, “We plow the fields and scatter, the good seed on the land; but it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand.” (We Plow the Fields and Scatter, by Mathias Claudius).
Please plan to attend the Community Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday, November 22 at 6:00 pm. The service will be held in the sanctuary and the message will focus on “Being Satisfied in the Midst of Turmoil.”
Thanksgiving is a national holiday and thanksgiving is embedded in the Christian faith. From Psalms of Thanksgiving to weekly prayers in private and public, we are grateful to God for gifts seen and unseen. A generous heart and a gracious spirit can do wonders for a wounded land. A hallmark of a Christian is to have a heart overflowing with generosity!
Thanksgiving tends to be the starting line for the Advent and Christmas season. Already, ropes of lights circle palm trees proclaiming hope. Perhaps its a sign of how deep and empty souls are right now in world that is yearning for a light to pierce the darkness.
To quote Isaiah, “The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light!” (Isaiah 9.2).
The church is a light unto the nations. People are looking for a lighthouse to keep them from wrecking lives on the shores of humanity. People seek a light guide them through the dark times of endless wars, crimes against humanity, and society that seems to fraying further into chaos with every news cycle.
Yet we during this season proclaim a hope that only God can give!
On Sunday, November 26 at 2:00 pm please take time to drape the church campus in lights that make it more than simply beautiful. Lights are biblical and divine…..may our faith in Christ be a light unto the Lely Community and unto the nations! to help decorate the sanctuary and campus for Christmas!!
Several people asked for the three questions found at the end of the sermon. Here they are:
- What does abundant life look like to you?
- What have you been putting off that needs to be done?
- Are you satisfied with yourself at this age?
Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!
I remain a Servant of Christ….
Pastor Ed
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