Pastor Ed’s Weekly Letter August 23, 2023
Dear Members, Friends, and Guests:
Last Sunday’s sermon focused on hypocrisy. Truth be told, we are all hypocrites….saying one thing and doing another. Hypocrite could easily be a perennial diagnosis for the health of churches around the world. People struggle with forgiveness, redemption, letting go and moving forward. I have those same struggles with relationships, organizations, and all of life! Trying to embrace the tenets of the Christian faith and connect faith to living is a daily challenge. Hypocrisy made Jesus Mad.
Tradition made Jesus mad. The upcoming sermon will look at how traditions can get in the way of a closer walk with Jesus. Engaging in centuries old practices can be good and bad. Some traditions keep alive stories that need to be told. Other traditions are practiced for the sake of….well….tradition….the proverbial, “We’ve always done it that way!”
Jesus calls each of us to a new of living. That lifestyle rids the debris on the pathways to spiritual grow. Sunday’s sermon will look at traditions that get in the way of knowing Jesus. And guess what…..we are all guilty of keeping alive dead traditions!
Bob and Glenn arrive for October 15 services and choir begins rehearsal on October 19 at 4:00 pm. Until that time music in worship will be provided by a combination of purchased pre-recorded music and recorded music from Bob and Glenn. I fully acknowledge that a new song with a different presentation may make some squirm a little…..but hey….the bounds of tradition are being pushed! Only six more weeks until Bob and Glenn return!!! Be patient!
Following worship this Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30 am Jeff Witte will host a Town Hall in Kemp Hall. He will provide an update on the financials for Lely Pres and I will give a preview of coming attractions as well as field questions all might have!! This is a chance to “stump the Pastor!!!”
There are several upcoming studies and events you are encouraged to attend!
Thursday, September 7
Pastor Ed begins an 11-week study on the Book of John! Did you know there is a connection to Genesis? Are you familiar with the “I am” passages and there connection to Exodus? The study will be held in Kemp Hall and begin at 10:00 am! Study books are $20 and are available in the office!
The same study will be offered by Kathy Sell beginning on Monday, September 10 at 6:00 pm in Kemp Hall!
Click Here to Say “I’m in” for the Study!“I want to learn more about John!!!”
Thursday, September 7
Pizza Thursday followed by
Youth Group Kick Off @ 4 pm
Friday, September 8
Community Open House at 5:30 and a chance to meet the Staff
Sunday, September 10
Following the 10:30 am service, join Gail Minard to look at the various ways to Connect, Engage, and Integrate with Lely Pres! Click Here to Let Gail Minard Know You Plan to Attend
Tuesday, September 12
Men’s Bible Study Kicks Off Tuesday, September 12 @ 8:00 am in Kemp Hall
Sunday, September 24
Pastor Ed begins a Sermon Series entitled, “How To Be the Best Grandparents!” on Sunday, September 24 and concluding on October 22!
September 24 – Biblical Grandparents
October 1 – Faithful & Fruitful
October 8 – Can’t Live Without Them!
October 15 – Spiritual Family Leaders
October 22 – The Grandparents of Jesus
Sunday, October 1
Blessing of the Animals at 4:00 pm on the Church Campus
Thursday, October 19
Get voices ready!!!! Choir Rehearsal begins at 4:00 pm!
Wednesday, November 15
Stop by the church campus for “Coffee with Pastor Ed” from 9:00 – 10:00 am.
Finally, as Presbyterian Primer…..Lely Presbyterian Church is governed by Elders elected by the Congregation! My apologies for not putting this information out on a more regular basis! See the chart below!! This list will also include Deacons.
Welcome to Lely…..Welcome Home….You Belong Here!!
See you Sunday!
I remain a Servant of Christ….
Pastor Ed
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