September Cook-In

Lely Presbyterian Church 110 St Andrews Blvd, Naples, Florida

The September Cook-In will be September 21st, at noon, in Kemp Hall. It will be a Pot Luck meal with meat loaf provided. Everyone is asked to bring a side or dessert. We will prepare beverages. Please make a reservation with Bonnie Kluttz – 239-777-8978 – so we know how many meat loaves to prepare.

Hymn Sing September 29th at 10:00 AM

Lely Presbyterian Church 110 St Andrews Blvd, Naples, Florida

Come and enjoy your favorite hymns! Bring your friends and neighbors! “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord… Come before his presence with singing!” Psalm 100: 1-2

New Member Luncheon

Lely Presbyterian Church 110 St Andrews Blvd, Naples, Florida

A new member information luncheon will be held on Sunday, October 13th, immediately following the 10:00 worship service.   During our time together you will hear from several Elders and congregation members. At that time you can ask questions and become acquainted with Lely Presbyterian Church.   If you or you know someone interested in becoming a member of Lely please […]