Lely Presbyterian Church will celebrate 50 years of Work and Ministry in th East Naples Area!
A 50th anniversary dinner Commemoration the Dedication of the campus will be held. This will be a time to look back at the past, celebrate the present, and dream about the future.
The 50th Anniversary Team met last week. Chaired by Bonnie Kluttz, please mark Saturday, February 3, 2024 as the 50th Anniversary Dinner!
So excited to hear the Rev. Brown and Rev. Land, who will be making the trip to help celebrate and awaiting to see if Rev. Kirk can adjust his schedule to attend as well!
There will be some additional costs hosting our guests and Lely is looking for 30 people to give $100 per person to cover the extra costs to include lodging, etc. Please send a check to the church office or go online at www.lpcnaples.org to make a gift!
The gathering will be held at New Hope Ministries off of Davis Blvd.
Tickets are $25 per person! Registration forms will be forthcoming as well as more information! Exciting!!!!