Finally March 2nd – There’s a new Pastor in town!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Office AdministratorHello South Naples! That’s right! This upcoming Sunday. There’s a new warrior in the quest for the love of Jesus Christ, who battles for the hearts of everyone in the greater Naples community. A warm and gracious WELCOME Pastor Jonas. You can find him and all his family at Lely Presbyterian Church 110 St Andrews […]
LPC Welcomes Visit from Pastor Hayes – A Preview of our Incoming Pastor
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminBring a Smile to a Child’s Face
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminWe are again supporting the children in New Horizons and of Mision Peniel by providing Christmas gifts. An Angel Tree will be in the Narthex beginning November 24th with ornaments identifying children’s wishes.
Please select an ornament, provide your contact information on the spreadsheet provided, and enjoy shopping to make the wish come true. Please limit your spending to no more than $30.00. Gifts must be returned by December 8th.
You may wrap the ones for the New Horizon children and attach the ornament identifying the recipient. For Mision Peniel, please put the unwrapped gift in the gift bag provided and attach the ornament to the bag.